Ayurvedic is an oldest form holistic medicine, dating back some 5,000 years ago. In Ayurveda, life is composed of four fundamental parts. These are the mind, body, the senses and the soul. Ayurveda our ancient science of medicine has suggested many herbal remedies and natural methods to protect our skin from pimples, acne, dark circles, wrinkles and marks left by pimples and to increase the fairness of the skin. Pimples , acne dark circles, wrinkles and marks give a dull and unhealthy look. Here is a herbal guide for naturally fresh, fair and glowing skin.

Ayurveda gives importance to a balanced approach to achieve true beauty of self. Balanced approach means cleansing of inner as well as outer body. It identifies three different skin types- Vata Skin, Pitta Skin, and Kapha Skin representing the commonly known dry skin, normal skin and oily skin respectively. The skin types are categorized on the basis of three main metabolic principles- the doshas – present in everyone, but to different degrees. The dosha, most dominant in your body, will determine your skin type.